Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Catering (otherwise known as cooking for friends’ events….)

I am almost embarrassed to post in my blog as it has been so so long since I have written here. In my defence I have completed a teaching qualification, gone on two overseas trips, moved house AND cured cancer (I may or may not have actually cured cancer…..). But I’m back and ready to talk cooking and more specifically catering. 

So….. I had a lovely lunch with a dear friend of mine who is also quite the domestic goddess (Brisbane readers can purchase her tasty delights from and we were discussing our love of cooking and our foodie hopes and dreams for the future. Laura runs a Cake and Cupcake catering business similar to what I would love to open one day. We were discussing how we often cook the food for friends’ events as well as our own and use the term ‘catering’ to sound a bit more fancy. And then it dawned on me, I do have a catering business, I just don’t get paid for it….yet!

I’m not saying that I’m going to start charging my friends every time I bring a packet of crackers to a BBQ or have a cover charge anytime someone opens my fridge (I would imagine that would be quite frustrating for my housemate) but I realised that I am in fact capable of catering (small) functions!
With this new epiphany fresh in my mind I have decided to stop waiting for 'the right time' (is there ever a right time?) and start my business.

Stay tuned for more information on this burgeoning enterprise.
(especially my Melbourne based readers; I am sure there are millions of you...).

In the meantime, here are a few photos of some events that I have catered.

These delicate delectables were featured at my recent housewarming party.
Other items on the menu that evening were homemade sausage rolls, pear jam and goat's cheese crustini, marinated chicken ribs and vietnamese rice paper rolls.

Below are some treats I made for my Mum's Book Club.
The pear jam and goat's cheese crustini made another appearance (always a favourite of mine) as well as blue cheese, chorizo and olive crustini and a lemon syrup cake. The cake was a recipe from one of the books the ladies were discussing that evening and was served with pouring cream.  

Til next post,

-the goddess in training.